
Conservazione del Ponte dell’Accademia

Conservazione del Ponte dell’Accademia: The conservation of Ponte dell’Accademia in Venice. How to maintain the historical appearence with updated technologies
in Quaderni di Assorestauro a cura di A. Grilletto (pp. 56 – 58), Anno VII, n. 1, marzo 2018, Assorestauro srl

“[…] Based on the principle of reducing the risks of corrosion a series of comprehensive and meticulous intervention have been practiced, which can be generally catalogued into three basic categories: the amelioration of the existing joints between components; the corrosion prevention intervention applied on the existing structure; the substitution of over degraded components and the adjustment on the repairable parts.

[…] The conservation of “il ponte dell’accademia” respected the historical appearance of the bridge, in the meanwhile considered comprehensively the updated functional require- ments of modern times and the security of structural. For the sake of prolonging the duration, regular maintenance and verification is definitely required.”